Now is a great time to book shows in 2020: Schools, Libraries, Special Events and more. Multiple show discounts are available. As you can see, the show is a big hit at schools, with positive messages promoting reading, exercise and now, learning Spanish!
I hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween! I had a fantastic show at Farmers Branch Halloween in the Park. And for the first time my daughters Amaya and Fiana were part of the show. What a thrill!
We have recently had two exciting video shoots with the City of Allen! They were for a new original song that I wrote promoting fire safety. Be sure to check back soon for the finished song and video.
On a related note, Sumer Reading Shows are in full swing. Things always heat up this time of year, and it’s a blast! Check my show schedule and come sing and dance!
I hope to see you soon!
Your friend, David
Rockin’ for fire safety! Amaya and Fiana Chicken were at their first David Chicken video shoot. What a thrill!Perform in front of a burning car: Check!Corey on the firetruck horn!
We had our first school show of 2019 last week at Elliot Elementary in Frisco ISD and it was tons of fun. We played for two groups of kids: Grades K-2, and grades 3-5. The show was a big hit with both groups! That’s the nice thing about having so many songs to choose from; we can create custom sets for each age range. A highlight video of the performance may be viewed here.
Kids learn about the importance of exercise, reading, and even learn some Spanish with my new song “Dinosaurio”. Book your show today!
I hope the holiday season treated you well. We had a great time visiting family (and seeing some snow!) and savoring every special moment. I hope you and your family have a wonderful 2019.
Hopefully I’ll be seeing you at some of my upcoming concerts! We’re starting to book up so many new dates will be posted soon.
Your friend,
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S-U-M-M-E-R! I love summer, oh yes I do … here’s some summer for me, and some summer for you!
We’ve been busy Chickens the past few months and it’s only ramping up, with more summer shows on the way! I hope that you’ll be able to catch one of my summer reading programs at a library near you, or maybe a fun mall performance. Be sure to check out all of my upcoming shows here.
It’s a great time to book fall and winter shows. Just email or call 1-866-FUN-SONG and we’ll make it happen! Hope to see you soon.
Your friend,
The David Chicken Fun Time Band at NorthPark Center!
Getting everyone involved at the South Irving Library.
I hope you are doing well and enjoying our beautiful spring weather!
I wanted to say a little “thank you” to a person who was a tremendous influence on me: Bob Dorough, the man behind Schoolhouse Rock. This program literally changed the course of my life. Without Bob’s catchy tunes there would most likely be no David Chicken songs. Bob showed that children’s music could be fun and educational without “talking down” to kids. Watching Schoolhouse Rock cartoons and learning the songs was a pivotal part of my childhood that I cherish. They truly inspired me to attempt, in my own little way, to create something that would have a positive impact on kids as well. That, in turn, has turned into the most fun career I could ever hope for.
Kids, I encourage you to look up some Schoolhouse Rock songs. “Conjunction Junction” is a good place to start. The accompanying videos are fantastic. They may look a bit old, but their messages are timeless.
Thank you Bob. I’ll always be a Schoolhouse Rocker!
I hope that 2018 is starting out great for you. I’ve been on a bit of a break, while my wife Sarah and I welcomed a new addition to our family! Fiana Rose Chicken was born October 27, 2017. She is such a sweet baby – she even lets Sarah and I get long nights of sleep on occasion! Lately she has been smiling when she sees us, which is the most rewarding, magnificent thing in the world.
Her big sister Amaya Jane has been fantastic with her. She’s already working on teaching Fiana how to sing! We are very thankful to have our two little angels.
I’m gearing up for a bunch of shows this spring! Please check them all out here.
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you’ll help us kickoff the holiday season this Saturday, Nov 25, at NorthPark Center in Dallas! We’ll be putting on a free show for our friends at Bookmarks Library, downstairs by the big orange sculpture. Show starts at 2pm. We’ve been playing this show for many years and it’s always a blast.
I hope you are having a super-fantastic summer! Ours has been very fun. Staying very busy with lots of library and event shows this time of year.
This week we returned to our old stomping ground: The Allen Public Library! This is a special place for me. We filmed the video for “Book a Trip” there, which is one of my favorites. It was nice performing for the 50th anniversary of the library, since we were there to perform 10 years ago for the 40th anniversary.
Special thanks to my friend Brian Busch for his outstanding accordion work with the show, along with Barrett Bishop, who played his bagpipes for us on stage! As always, Diane Whiting helped keep the show rolling along smoothly with the kids. Oh and we can’t forget Super Diego, who stole the show with his amazing doggy tricks!
I hope this finds you and your family well. I thought I’d share one of my favorite highlights from my DVDs: A segment called “Interpretive Dance” from Book a Trip with David Chicken. Look closely and you’ll even see some amazing doggie tricks from Super Joanie!
Keep in mind the DVDs are for sale online at the Chicken Store. Enjoy!
I hope that 2016 was a good year for you. It was a very fun year for our family, as we got to watch our little chick, Amaya Jane, grow into a big 14-month-old! She is quite the little ham, as you can tell by this photo. She keeps Sarah and me on our toes! She certainly loves music, and you never know where that may lead … 🙂
We wish you a fun and prosperous 2017, filled with the love of family and friends. I hope you can catch some of our upcoming shows in the new year. There will be plenty! Stay tuned to this chicken channel.
Happy summer! I hope yours is getting off to a fantastic start. Mine has been very busy! Lots of library and school shows this time of year. Super Diego has been doing a great job with his doggy tricks. I am so thankful that Super Joanie was able to help train him. It really was a turning point. Since then Super Diego has gone on to entertain thousands of kids, and he’s getting better with each show!
My good friends Diane Whiting and Brian Busch have been joining me at the shows. Diane helps with the kids on stage and leads the audience through hand signs on “Under the Willow Tree”, just like Mama Chicken used to do. Brian plays his accordion at the shows and wow, it adds a lot! Who knew an accordion would fit so well with my songs? I sure didn’t! I am very thankful to have Brian, Diane and Super Diego at the shows to help make them better. I hope you can catch one soon! Check here for a list of upcoming events.
Don’t forget to book now for fall and winter events! Call toll-free 866-FUN-SONG (866-386-7664) or email
As many of you know, Jane “Mama Chicken” McMahon was a loving and thoughtful person who cared deeply about the well-being of others. In Mama’s honor we have started a non-profit organization called Mama Chicken’s Kitchen to help the less fortunate people in the Dallas area. We take food and supplies to homeless people downtown and try to brighten their day. This has been going on since Mama was alive, just not in an official capacity until more recently. During that time I believe we have made a difference in the lives of some people who sorely need it.
If you would like to help, please visit Mama Chicken’s Kitchen to make a donation. You can also help by spreading the word about MCK. 100% of everything donated goes directly to the people in need.
Happy spring! We kicked off spring break week with a fun show for our friends at Bookmark Library at NorthPark Center. A great time was had by all, as we did a string of David Chicken hits. I even busted out one of my very first songs, “Monkey With a Big Brown Drum”, which was tons of fun! Parents and kids alike enjoyed helping to create the music.
Please keep our show in mind for upcoming spring and summer festivals. Call toll-free 866-FUN-SONG or email through this website.
I hope you are having a great 2016 so far! The year has been magical for me. My wife Sarah and I welcomed our little girl, Amaya Jane Chicken, to the world on October 29. She has brought us so much joy ever since! Amaya Jane was named after my mama, Mary Jane McMahon, which means so much to me. Mama Chicken shines on in her.
My not-so-secret hope is that one day Amaya Jane will want to be part of the show! Who knows?
In the meantime, we have plenty of fun shows coming up! This is a great time to book your Summer Reading Program shows. Just contact us through the website or call toll-free 866-FUN-SONG.
I hope you’ll be able to join me at a super-fun event this Saturday. The City of Carrollton’s Festival at the Switchyard is a fantastic time for the whole family! My friend Brian Busch, the talented accordion player, will be joining me as well!
Visit their official site for more info. We will be indoors on the Plaza Arts Stage at noon, Saturday November 7.
Happy Halloween week! I was recently fortunate enough to be a part of an event that felt like Halloween. The Recycle Fashion Show, produced by Keep Mesquite Beautiful, was tons of fun. What a showcase of talent and creativity! I performed “Recycle Bin” to open the show, then played a full show after the contestants had strutted their stuff on the catwalk. Every costume was created from recycled/reclaimed materials. In my opinion each of them was a winner! It truly was too hard to choose just one as the best. Great job everyone!
Galloint friends, and happy fall! I’ve been having a great fall season so far, and it’s going to get a lot more fun this weekend with TWO David Chicken shows! One at Mesquite Arts Center at 10 am, and another at Town East Mall at 2pm. Please visit my live show page for more details. I hope to see you there!
I hope the school year is getting off to a great start for you! I wanted to let you know about a fun FREE event this weekend … the 2015 Irving Main Street Event! The day will be filled with great music and entertainment by some very talented animals. Super Diego may even be helping me out for this one. I hope to see you there!
Show time: 3 pm
Heritage Park, 217 Main Street, Irving, TX 75060
Happy summer! What a July I had. Just as things were wrapping up with my many summer reading club library shows, I got to travel to South Dakota to perform at Storybook Land! It was so much fun to be able to play with the Storybook Land Theater. This very talented group, led by Brian Schultz, was gracious enough to learn some of my David Chicken songs, which we performed live in a castle! I also learned some of their songs, which was great fun.
This was my second visit to Storybook Land in Aberdeen, South Dakota. I was very happy to return. It is such a fun and positive place, filled with happy and friendly people. I highly recommend a visit if you ever find yourself in the area. Hopefully I’ll be back soon!
I hope your summer is getting off to a great start! Ours sure has. The “Summer of Reading” was kicked off May 19 with me helping Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings promote his Summer Reading Club. It was a thrill to stand up with the mayor and get all the kids saying how much they’ll be reading this summer!
Since then I’ve had a barrage of shows, with many more to come. The show is such a great fit with libraries and their summer reading programs. I’ve been performing “Book a Trip” (the video can be seen here) and it always goes over great.
We have a special free concert coming up tomorrow, Saturday June 13, 1 pm at the Irving Public Library. This event will be celebrating the Chautauqua traveling vaudeville show of yesteryear. What’s really neat is, my grandma (Mama Chicken’s mom), Eola Marie Ruth, traveled with the Chautauqua, along with famous entertainers like Edgar Bergen and his buddy Charlie McCarthy. It will be an honor to tell of Grandma’s involvement with the Chautauqua. I know it would make Mama Chicken proud.
I will also have two great musicians joining me tomorrow: My good friend Jason Gonzalez, who has played drums on every David Chicken recording, and Brian Busch, who is a fantastic accordion player. It will be a really fun show. I hope to see you there!
I’ll be performing this Tuesday, May 19, at Klyde Warren Park in Downtown Dallas at 12:30 pm. This is part of Mayor Mike Rawling’s Summer Reading Club. I’m very excited to perform at this event. Mama Chicken always wanted us to be a part of it since our song “Book a Trip” is such a great fit with Summer Reading Programs.
It will be a beautiful day in the park. I hope to see you there!
My alma mater, the University of North Texas, recently ran an article on me and Mama Chicken! I was very honored to be featured by the North Texan. Another honor was being able to convey how pivotal Mama was to the show, and to who I am today. I miss her very much every day.
I hope you enjoy the article. You can read the full entry here.
Be sure to catch one of my many live performances this weekend for the cities of Euless and Mesquite, Texas. The shows are listed here.
Dingle Burbis,
The University of North Texas article on David & Mama.
It’s that time of year! Once again I’ll be a “Celebrity Scooper” at Ben & Jerry’s Plano this Tuesday at 3:30pm. Come see me and get your fill of some super yummy B&J ice cream. And raise money for cancer research!
We’ll be putting on a super fun free show this Saturday at NorthPark Center for our friends at Bookmarks Library. 2pm start time. My good friend Brian Busch is going to join for a few songs with his accordion! We’ll be downstairs from AMC at center court, by the big orange sculpture.
As always we will be accepting donations for Mama Chicken’s Kitchen at the event. Click here to find out how our new program helps the homeless in Dallas.
Today I’d like to announce a very special new project: A charity called “Mama Chicken’s Kitchen“. Mama Chicken – Jane McMahon – cared deeply about the less fortunate people among us. While thinking of a way to honor her, we decided to start this organization with a singular goal: getting food and supplies directly to homeless people. We will start in Dallas and hopefully it will grow.
Over the past several months I have been taking food and supplies to people downtown. They are so appreciative and need it so badly. My wife Sarah and I will start going downtown as often as possible – every time we have donations to deliver – and give them directly to the homeless people. 100% of everything donated will go directly to the homeless.
Items may be dropped off at any David Chicken show, or you can make donations online. Please visit the new website for more information.
I love you Mama.
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Galloint friends! It’s Spring Break and there will be a super-fun show this Wednesday, 10:30 am, at NorthPark Center in Dallas. As usual the show will be for our friends at Bookmarks Library. We’ll be right down the hall from them in the main court by the big orange sculpture. I hope to see you there!
We had a super fun show today at Happy House in Red Oak, Texas. It got me excited about all the shows that are coming this spring and summer. I’ve included a few photos from today’s event, featuring the one-and-only Super Joanie! Be sure to check out some of her amazing tricks here!
This is a great time to book school and library shows. We do a lot of summer reading program shows around the state. My song “Book a Trip” is a natural fit!
I hope that you have a great Thanksgiving! We are going to be having some of Mama Chicken’s famous stuffing during our meal today. If you’d like to try some too, the recipe is available here!
We will be performing this Saturday at NorthPark Center with our friends at Bookmarks Library. 2pm. Hope to see you then!
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I hope you’re having a great Halloween season. Things have been hard for me with the passing of Mama Chicken. She loved our shows and truly loved performing. Every show I do will be with her memory foremost in my mind.
She very much wanted the show to go on, and so it does. Super Joanie and myself — along with my wife Sarah Chicken — have several fun Halloween-themed shows coming up. One is in the Houston area and the other is in Carrollton, Texas. You can view info on each one here.
Hope to see you at a show. Have a safe and happy Hallowen!
David & Mama Chicken Halloween
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I write you today with the heaviest of hearts. My beloved Mama Chicken passed away this week. She had been fighting lung cancer since December. Mama passed peacefully, with her hand in mine, as I told her I loved her.
She was such a strong and loving person. Despite having many physical ailments, including cancer most recently, she was always up performing at our shows, making children smile. She was singing and rapping as recently as April at NorthPark Center.
Mama’s name away from the stage was Jane McMahon. I play music because of her. She saw that I loved music and art at an early age, and she cultivated those talents by taking me to many, many live musical performances. She arranged painting lessons at age 5. Guitar lessons at age 13. Thank you Mama for giving me the gift of music.
Mama will continue to inspire and guide me through life. She lives on in my heart, and in the hearts of the many who loved her. I know that she now has the best front-row seats for all of my performances.
There will be a Memorial service for Jane McMahon this Saturday at 10:30 am. It will be a celebration of her life, and appropriate for children. More info here.
I love you Mama,
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I hope you’re having a wonderful summer! Mine has been a lot of fun so far, with lots of travel and fun shows. Speaking of fun shows, we have two this week that I hope you can make!
The Shops at Willow Bend 6121 W Park Blvd #1000, Plano, TX 75093 Thursday, July 31, 2014 Show time: 1 pm
I hope you’ll join us for some springtime fun this week!
Wednesday, March 12, 10:30 am NorthPark Center for Bookmarks Library 8687 North Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas 75225 Performing by the big orange sculpture, down the hall from Bookmarks.
Thursday, March 13, 11 am Parr Library in Plano 6200 Windhaven Pkwy, Plano, Texas 75093 SUPER JOANIE SHOW
I have a special surprise for the new year – a brand new David Chicken single! It’s called “Play!” The song is about – you guessed it – going outside and playing. Climbing a tree, riding a bike, going swimming … whatever moves you! Watch the new video here.
We shot the video with our Emmy-Winning friends at Allen City Television, led by the super-talented director Mark Kaufmann. It was a lot of fun to shoot the video, since we filmed all around Allen at a lot of fun locations with nice people. The video has been used to help promote physical activity within the community. Now we’ll be using it for the same purpose around the world!
So get out and PLAY and have super-fantastic 2014! Mama Chicken, Super Joanie and I are all doing well. We hope the same for you and your family.
I hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am thankful for Mama Chicken and for each and every child (and adult) who enjoys our music.
For some delicious holiday recipes, sure to check out Mama Chicken’s recipes page here. The second listing is for her Superstar Stuffing, which is amazing! It’s my favorite.
On a related note, we performed “Mama Chicken’s Kitchen” on Wednesday at NorthPark Center and it was a big hit as always. It occurred to me during the song how appropriate it is for Thanksgiving, since Mama is rapping about her amazing turkey and pumpkin pie! Today is a great day to watch the video and get ready for a Thanksgiving feast! You can watch it here.
Also attached are a few photos from our show for BookMarks Library at NorthPark on Wed. We’ll be performing there again this Saturday, November 30 at 2pm. See you there!
Galloint friends, Happy Thanksgiving week! Wanted to let you know about two upcoming holiday shows that I think you’d like! Both are at NorthPark Center for Bookmarks Library this week:
Wednesday November 27, 10:30 am and Saturday November 30, 2pm NorthPark Center 8687 N Central Expy, Dallas, TX 75225
Both are in the main center court, by the big orange sculpture … our usual stomping grounds. We’ll be playing “Snowman the Bop” and some other holiday-themed songs, along with all your David Chicken favorites!
Happy Halloween! We’ll be putting on a super-duper Halloween-themed show this Saturday evening at Farmers Branch Halloween in the Park! It’s always a great time at this event, with lots of FREE attractions and games for the whole family. I hope to see all the boys and ghouls out and wearing their spooky dancing shoes!
Saturday October 26 Show time: 5:45pm 2540 Farmers Branch Ln Farmers Branch, TX 75234 Admission: FREE!
Mama Chicken and I will be putting on a super fun show at the beautiful Nasher Sculpture Center this Saturday, October 5 at 1pm! Bring the whole family for FREE admission from 10am – 2pm for Target First Saturday. I love exploring all the amazing artwork at the Nasher. I know you will too!
Saturday, October 5 Show time: 1pm Nasher Sculpture Center 2001 Flora St, Dallas, TX 75201
Just a little entry to tell you about a great vacation that Mama Chicken and I took recently. We went on a cruise to Key West, Florida and the Bahamas! And of course I ended up entertaining on the cruise. When I heard they were looking for someone to play Elvis in their Legends show, I knew I had to audition for it. And I got the part! It was so much fun performing with dancers from Australia and England. The band was wonderful too. Everyone on the ship loved the show and called me “Elvis” for most of the cruise. Little did they know that a more appropriate name would be “Elvis Chicken”, ha!
We explored Key West and learned all about the island. Did you know that Key West is home to the southernmost point in the United States? That was fun to see. We also learned about the classic American author Ernest Hemingway, and even saw his house. He had many six-toed cats, and their descendants are still at his house, most with six toes!
Then we went to the Bahamas and went on a glass-bottom boat voyage. It was fun to see all the sea fish and even some sharks! I sang “Funky Fish Party” to them but I’m not sure if they heard me. I also went snorkeling in Nassau, Grand Bahamas, which was amazing. The reef was so beautiful!
The people in Key West and the Bahamas were super friendly. I highly recommend visiting them someday to learn about their beautiful homes.
Your friend, David
Freeport, Grand Bahamas
View of Key West from the ship
David singing as Elvis in the Carnival Legends show.
David singing as Elvis in the Carnival Legends show.
We’ll be putting on a super fun FREE show today at the Smith Public Library in Wylie, Texas. Best of all, it’s national “Talk like a pirate day”! We’ll see you soon, grrrrrh!
Smith Public Library Thursday, September 19 300 Country Club Rd Bldg 300, Wylie, Tx 75098 Show time: 6pm – FREE show!
We will be singing, dancing, rhyming and clapping tomorrow at NorthPark Center! Our Bookmarks Library Concert Series continues for a special Labor Day Weekend show. We start at 2pm, by the big orange sculpture downstairs from the AMC. And down the hall from Bookmarks. Catch the show then go check out a book!
I hope you’ve had a great summer! Mine has been pretty busy, having done a lot of summer shows as well as my concerts and adventures in Storybook Land in South Dakota.
This is a great time to book holiday shows. I’ll be heading back to the Midwest this November, for an encore performance in Danville, Illinois at their Festival of Trees. I was born in Normal, Illinois (ironic, I know!) and most of my family is in East Peoria, so it will be good to be back in my first home state!
I’ll be performing in the David S. Palmer Arena in Danville. (Note: the arena sometimes has bumper cars on ice, which sounds like tons of fun!) If you happen to be in the area, my shows will be on November 16 at 9am, 1pm and 5pm.
We will also be back at the Farmers Branch Halloween in the Park on October 26. Show time to be announced, but we always go on in the early evening. That whole event is great fun for the family.
What an amazing time I had at Storybook Land in Aberdeen, South Dakota this past weekend! I put on 3 shows and all were a blast! So many fun and nice people in Aberdeen, and they really enjoyed being a part of the shows. One of my favorite parts was collaborating with the Storybook Land Theater Group. They are a very talented group and it was so much fun performing with them! At our last big show, in the castle, we did some of my songs and some of their songs. I hope to be able to perform with them again.
If you’re ever in South Dakota, be sure to visit Storybook Land. And even if you’re just in the region, it’s worth a trip. It is truly one of the most magical places I’ve ever visited. Best of all it’s FREE for the whole family! The area around the park is just beautiful, with camping for tents or RVs. You can even rent a cabin! There are biking trails all around the park that lead to viewing areas for animals like buffalo, deer, CHICKENS, ground hogs and more.
Happy 4th of July! Wanted to let you know that we had a last-minute FREE show added for this Tuesday at the Royse City Public Library. It’s only 30 min east of Dallas by highway 30. Mama Chicken, Super Chachie and I hope to see you there!
Tuesday, July 9, 10 am C.F. Goodwin Public Library 309 N. Arch St. Royse City, TX 75189
Hope you have a wonderful & safe 4th of July! I will be spending it at a friend’s family ranch, swimming, relaxing and … enjoying fireworks while listening to patriotic music!
Come kick off summer right this Tuesday at the Rowlett Community Center. It’ll be a FREE show and Mama Chicken and Super Chachie will be there!
Then we’ll be heading down to San Antonio for a show with Keep America Beautiful on Wednesday. Our “Recycle Bin” song is a great fit with their events.
And on July 27 I’ll be performing at Storybook Land in South Dakota! I’ve never been before and I’m very anxious to perform there. Looks like an amazing place. I’m sure “Book a Trip” will go over well!
I wanted to give a big THANK YOU to all of the families who came out to Allen to help with our new music video. Everyone did a fantastic job. Mama Chicken and I truly appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to creating a great video.
We shot the final segment for “Play” on Monday of this week. That consisted of me “riding a bike” in front of a big green screen. (It wasn’t really moving). It’s hard to pretend like you’re pedaling when you can’t use the pedals. My legs got tired! But it will look cool once my good buddies at Allen City TV work their magic.
We also did a scene at the Joe Farmer pavilion, where the Killdares were doing a concert. We got up during intermission and performed “Play” a few times. There were several hundred kids and they really got into it. It was so amazing hearing the kids and the rest of the audience yelling out “Hey!”, “Yeah!” with the song. When I write a song like that, I’m always picturing how it will sound with a big audience. This one greatly exceeded my expectations. How exciting that was!
I can’t wait for you to see the video. It will be ready within the next month or so. You’ll see it here first!
Join us for a super fun show at the FREE and SPECTACULAR Farmers Branch Liberty Fest! Located at the beautiful Farmers Branch Historic Park. It’s going to be a beautiful day for it.
Saturday, May 25 2540 Farmers Branch Lane Farmers Branch, Texas Show time: 12:30 pm
We’ll be shooting a music video for my new song “Play” this Saturday morning! We need lots of kids and adults to come sing and dance in the video. We’ll meet at Celebration Park in Allen.
9:30 am, Saturday, May 11
Celebration Park 701 Angel Pkwy, Allen, TX 75002
Please wear bright solid colors. David Chicken hats and shirts would be best! 🙂
This will be produced by the Emmy-winning team at Allen City TV. I’m so happy to be working with them again. Fun fun fun!
Come out to Arbor Daze in Euless this weekend! It’s a great free festival and we’ll be putting on two shows in the Kidz Zone area: 3pm and 6pm. We hope to see you there!
Arbor Daze | 201 North Ector Drive | Euless, Texas
Best of all, they give out FREE TREES at Arbor Daze! Come have a great time and get a new tree to plant in your backyard!
I’ll be scooping FREE ice cream today at Ben & Jerry’s Plano Free Cone Day! We’ll be raising money for the North Texas Susan G. Komen Foundation and having lots of fun. AND you can try my new flavor, David Chicken’s Cookie Time!
I’m scooping from 3:30-5:30 today. Hope to see you there!
A special treat after you eat your fruits & vegetables!
Trying our new flavor! Delicious!
Galloint friends!
Well, it’s official, we’ve got our own ice cream flavor! My friend Hunter Rose, the Ice Cream Czar at several North Texas Ben & Jerry’s, decided it was time to rename one of his flavors for the premiere of our new “Cookie Time” single and video.
Special thanks to Nancy Churnin at the Dallas Morning News for documenting the occasion. You can read her article here.
Even though the Sheep-Cow-Horse’s saying “Oop-Scoop-a-Dooperator” means “Please put some spinach on my tutti frutti ice cream”, we didn’t go that route with Ben & Jerry’s. David Chicken’s Cookie Time is a delicious concoction of vanilla ice cream with a chocolate cookie swirl with chocolate chip and chocolate chocolate chip cookie pieces. Be sure to stop by a Metroplex Ben & Jerry’s and give it a taste!
The music video for my new song “Cookie Time” premiered this week! I would like to thank all of the families who came out to be a part of the video. You all did an amazing job! Be sure to get the music single of the song, available on iTunes and the Amazon Music Store!
My next single will be “Play”, which we will film in the spring with our friends at Allen City Television, the Emmy-winning team who brought you “Book a Trip“, “Recycle Bin“, and of course “Cookie Time“! Stay tuned to my blog and facebook page for announcements about the video shoot!
What a great week I had last week at the Recycle-Bowl!
Keep America Beautiful selects the school that recycles the most material each year and rewards them with a concert and a big check (literally)! Last year the winning school was Rutherford Elementary right here in Mesquite, Texas, where we performed and had an amazing time. The winner this year was Taylor Primary in Kokomo, Indiana! I got to fly up and perform my song “Recycle Bin” for them, which is a natural fit! (We also did a few other tunes that got everyone up singing and dancing). It is such a thrill for me to see hundreds of kids up singing “Recycle bin, so we can use it again!” The greatest joy of songwriting is seeing people enjoying your music. That means even more when it’s a message that you believe in so much.
After my world tour in November, it was small beans to hop up to Indiana! But I very much enjoyed getting up to the midwest, where my roots are. Mama Chicken was born in Walton, Indiana and I was born in Normal, Illinois (a lot of people think that’s ironic, haha!) My Dad and grandparents were all born in the midwest as well.
Everyone was super nice and welcoming. I am thankful to Keep America Beautiful for having me be a part of the Recycle-Bowl each year. I made a lot of new friends at Taylor Primary and hope to see them again soon. Maybe for Earth Day!
Your friend,
No David Chicken show is complete without the Chicken Dance!
Rockin’ the house!
Hey everybody it’s Scakle Time!
Awarded to Taylor Primary by Keep America Beautiful.
Chicken Recycler
The kids loved it!
This is why they won! Maybe your school will be the winner next year!
David & Mama Chicken will be a part of the Polyphonic Spree’s Holiday Extravaganza this Saturday, December 22, 8pm at Lakewood Theater in Dallas. The event is sold out but if you’re planning on attending we’ll see you there! Happy Holidays!
We’ve been making a lot of progress on the video for “Cookie Time” and it is SUPER FUN! All of the kids and parents did a fantastic job. It is full of energy and goodness, and fits the song well. I can’t wait to show everyone. It should be done right around the first of the year.
My friend Hunter Rose, who owns several of the local Ben & Jerry’s locations, will even be naming a flavor of their ice cream “David Chicken’s Cookie Time” for the week of the premiere. Check my blog for the latest info on everything.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my friends! I hope that you have a great holiday season. We have a lot to be thankful for.
Wow, what a magnificent journey I had traveling all the way around the world! The tour lasted for three weeks and it was something I will never forget. In Italy I performed in Naples and Sigonella (Close to Sicily). In Spain I performed in Rota. In Japan I performed at Atsugi, Yokosuka, Sasebo, and Okinawa. And I had two shows in Guam. All of the shows were for U.S. Navy families except for one of the shows in Guam, which was for the Air Force.
Everyone I encountered was so friendly and helpful. They went out of their way to help with the performances and show me around each town to get some local flavor. Special thanks to Kelly, Staci and Antonio. The local flavor was amazing — we ate some really fun and delicious food! (My favorite was Italian bruschetta with fresh mozzarella & pizza and … well, I’m not too sure what all I ate in Japan, but I liked it 🙂
The shows went over very much like shows in the States: Families getting up and having a good time, singing and dancing along to the music. “Funky Fish Party” and “Recycle Bin” were big hits. People seemed to really appreciate the shows. I considered it an honor and a privilege to be able to perform for them.
Some of the non-show highlights of the trip: -Going to Caserta Palace in Naples, Italy. They filmed some of the Star Wars prequels there and I was very excited to visit. You’ll see in one of the photos that I even had my own light saber!
-Walking the streets of Sicily. My favorite parts were eating at a little Italian deli (delicious pastries!) and photographing the amphitheater ruins in downtown. Sicily has been destroyed seven times by the volcano that overlooks it — Mt. Etna.
-Exploring Japan. I was struck by all of the natural beauty. Nagasaki was especially beautiful. The people were so friendly. It was fun to be considered “exotic”. Note the photo of me with the soccer team. They were especially fun.
-Discovering Guam. I had no idea it was so beautiful there. I went snorkeling and found Nemo! We had a funky fish party! It was an incredible experience. I love snorkeling and plan on doing more.
-Getting reunited with my guitar. My guitar went around more of the world than I did! It was lost by an Italian airline (note to parents) and ended up in Heathrow Airport in London! Note the photo where I am happily reunited with my guitar in the Okinawa airport.
The whole point of the trip was the kids, and I met a bunch of fantastic kids and parents. I am thankful for the opportunity and hope to be able to do it again someday. Thank you for going along on the adventure with me!
Galliont friends! The live show has been going over great with U.S. families in Japan! We’ve performed at four Navy bases and it has been a blast. So many nice families, who really appreciate the entertainment. It’s an honor to perform for them. I personally love the Japanese culture as well. We’ve been fortunate enough to get into local towns several times to experience the culture and food. And I must say, I’ve had some very unique and delicious food! Several photos are attached. Enjoy!
The David Chicken live show has been a huge success in Italy and Spain, bringing homemade American music to families stationed abroad. “This has been an amazing experience so far” said David. “To bring our music to American families overseas and have them react to it so well is very rewarding. This is truly an honor.” David will be bringing the Scakle-riffic fun to more U.S. families abroad over the rest of November. Stay tuned for more photos and postings.
David Chicken, three-time Emmy® Winner (2008, 2009, 2010 Lone Star NATAS), is about to bring some homemade fun to American families stationed overseas.
Dallas, TX, October 30, 2012: On November 2, David Chicken will begin a journey that will take him around the world. Playing at Navy bases for American families, David will be performing his Live Show Spectacular in Italy, Spain, Japan and Guam throughout the month of November. The show has been a hit stateside for the past decade, with interactive fun and positive messages for kids, including:
• Reading
• Exercise
• Artistry & Imagination
• Recycling
• Good hygiene
The tour coincides with the release of David Chicken’s new app “Brusha Yo Teeth with David Chicken” and the eBook David Chicken Goes to the Dentist, which are available on iTunes and Amazon. David will be performing “Brusha Yo Teeth” on the tour, along with all of his interactive songs that get kids and parents up singing and dancing.
Said David: “I love performing for families. After getting such tremendous reaction to my music in the States, it’s nice to be able to take that music to our troops’ families stationed overseas. Hopefully we can help bring a little piece of home to them.” David will be back in the States just in time for a show at NorthPark Center on November 24 at 2pm.
We had a super-fantastic video shoot for our new song “Cookie Time” on Sunday. What a great group! Everyone came to the Ben & Jerry’s in McKinney, Texas, decked out in their best David Chicken gear and chicken hats. I was very proud of all the kids. They really gave it their all when the cameras started rolling. I’d also like to thank Hunter Rose, the Ice Cream Czar for Ben & Jerry’s here locally, for lining up the shoot. He is a good friend.
This will be a really fun video, to match the energy of the song. We should be premiering it in December or January. Stay tuned to the blog for more info!
Dingle Burbis,
David Chicken & friends jamming at Ben & Jerry’s for the “Cookie Time” video.
We’ll be shooting a video for my new song “Cookie Time” this Sunday, October 14, 1:30pm at Ben & Jerry’s in McKinney. We’re looking for kids who like cookies AND fruits and vegetables to be in the video. If you’d like your kids to be a part of it, have them wear nice bright colors (David Chicken gear is best!) and come on out to the shoot! It should take about an hour.
Galloint friends! Come join Mama Chicken and me as we get the Nasher Museum singing and dancing! The museum is kicking off Arts in October with free admission and a free concert! See you on Saturday at 1pm!
Galloint! We had a fantastic show for the Grand Prairie Public Library on Sunday, at the beautiful Uptown Theater. This event was honoring the kids who met their summer reading goals. I’m very proud of each of them, along with all of the kids who read books this summer! Our song “Book a Trip” went over very well, and Super Chachie stole the show with an amazing reading trick. Keep on reading!
Super Chachie steals the show!
We all did the robot dance to “Robotial Dog”.
After singing we did a lot of signing!
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Galloint! This week was a fun one for me. I spent several days at Nomad studio, mixing three new David Chicken songs. Both “Imagination Station” and “Funky Fish Party” were recorded and mixed there. I work with an audio genius named JT Longoria. He is amazing at taking my rough mixes and making them blossom into well-mixed songs. It’s my favorite part of the process — hearing the songs come to life. These are usually tunes that I’ve worked on for several years, so it’s really neat hearing them come together. I go in there with all of these tracks (usually 30-40 individual recorded tracks) and JT brings them to life as one cohesive song.
The songs we mixed were “Cookie Time”, “Play”, and “Chicken Rambler”. We’ll be shooting a video for “Cookie Time” at the Ben & Jerry’s in McKinney on August 26. If anyone is interested in being in the video, just let me know! We’ll be shooting it with our Emmy-winning friends at Allen City TV. We may shoot a video for “Play” as well in the coming months. Both songs are high energy and are sure to entertain DC fans! I plan to start using all three songs in our live shows in the coming months. So keep your ears open!
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Galloint friends! We’ve had a bunch of great shows recently. Our show yesterday at the Parks Mall in Arlington was a lot of fun. I especially enjoyed performing there because I grew up going to that mall (well, NorthPark too for that matter). It’s neat to go back to places like that and be the entertainment. We had a lot of families up singing and dancing.
My favorite “growing up” place to visit was Leslie A. Stemmons, where I went to elementary school in Oak Cliff. We performed there several years ago. That was especially fun because two of my teachers were still there and they got a kick out of the show. I’ve added a photo of Mrs. Zyglewyz and me when we performed there. I was so happy that she remembered me!
I’m so excited to be premiering our new website! We’ve been working on the design, artwork, photography and programming for nearly a year. I wanted to make sure that it had all the fun of the original site. Some of the content of the original has been preserved — primarily the content of the Fun Club.
I’d like to thank Jason Gonzalez for the awesome programming! Also, Glenn Hadsall for the Flash work, which makes the guitar strummable. (More tricks will be added to the guitar soon, so keep checking back). Glenn also contributed some beautiful photography. I’d also like to thank Lindy Franklin for the super duper photography that you see in the top banner sections.
Enjoy! More blog entries will be posted soon, along with more surprises!